ANYONE over 50yo knows how the weather has changed. Different cloud formations, different weather. No more repetative heatwaves followed by a fast southerly buster which gave us a heavy, hard downpour,then passed quickly, leading to another hot day to follow. That doesn't happen anymore, not in Sydney anyway. Our rain is half-hearted and useless. Like on Climate Change day in Sydney. It sprinkled a bit, but everyone ignored it. we knew it didn't rain anymore, not real rain.
It was a great day, as far as demos go, it had a huge turnout (around 18,000) with the usual first timers, ie people under one year old, and others over 20yo. It made the seven o'clock news, but we preffered to watch it on the 6:30 news on SBS, as you do.
Howard said don't panic, we will have nuclear power in 15(sic) years. Beazeley said no we won't, but every school will be solar powered. I couldn't help thinking about another policy they once made that "by the year 2000, no Australian child will live in poverty". It would be funny if it wasn't so tragic.
Well we don't have 15 years, and we need nuclear power like a hole in the head. And it won't happen because we will move heaven and earth to stop it, including voting in a Labor govt.
In the next election, no isssue world wide will be more important than Global Warming, and our preparedness to counter its effects, which are already happening. No mean task when you consider that China is building one coal fired power station every week.
After next week, when Bush become a lame duck president, we may see some changes, but don't hold your breath. The US is too big and clumsy. A case when democracy has failed. Iraq will end in disaster (it is already a disaster). Unless we get a Labor govt, our troops will stay there until the US quits with its tail between its legs, like it did in Vietnam.
People site the fact that millions voted in Iraq. What they don't say is that most of those voters voted for the occupation forces to leave Iraq.
The US is proping up an inept criminal govt. in Iraq like it did in Vietnam. When the US leaves, it will follow. Iraq won't have democracy for a long time, after a protracted war fought amongst their well trained forces. Maybe...?
Anyway, about climate change. Here are some more pics we took at the Sydney rally.

Well at least we can look our grandchildren in the eye, and say "we tried..."