India has not signed the Non Prolifereation Nuclear Treaty, but Howar maintains that they have an impecable nuclear history. What does that mean? Is it impecable because they haven't lauched a full scale inihilation of Pakistan (yet)? Well there's little chance of that these days. We don't do that these days. Brinkmanship is the name of the game. Like between Russia and the US, China and Taiwan. North Korea is a bit of a wild card as well as an economic basket case. I don't think Taiwan has the bomb yet, though it's bristling with US armaments. Then there's Israel and....umm well Arabs aren't allowered to have a bomb. So Israel just has to play with itself.
Anyway we are happily going to sell uranium to India, China and Taiwan. This will, in the case of China free up it's own reserves to be used for it's nuclear arsonal stockpiles.
What are these countries going to do with waste? Send it back here to store in our outback? There's no way they would spend the ten billion dollars that Sweden is on storng it's waste underground.
Now Howard is starting to push another agenda. Creating a nuclear reactor for us. The Labor party has already caved in on uranium mining. Howard would love to control nuclear power, if only because it's anathema to anyone with progressive sensiblities, including the Greens. With the Labor party irrelevant, nothing can stop Howard with doing whatever he likes.
Beaseley's only hope is that the IR laws bite so hard before the next elections, that he will get a shoe into govt. If they do bite so hard, Howard will make 'adjustments. He also will have to survive a leadership challenge from Kevin Rudd and Julia Gillard, two contendors both as bad leadership material as each other.
It's indicative of Howard that he would want nuclear power, when European countries are closing down their reactors. Nuclear power is a backward step, and not a reasonable answer to greenhouse gasses.