Our Religious War

Photo source ABC online news
The present war between the US and Iraq (which the US is losing) is in many ways a religious war. The war was proposed by Zionists in the US Govt. and implemented by the Christian fundamentalist backed Bush regime. The invasion of Iraq was opposed by Muslim fundamentalist, and millions of people who demonstrated world wide. The conduct of the war by the US has breached Geneva conventions, and left it open to charges of war crimes.
The standing of the US has plummeted, The Blair Govt. has been damaged, and the OZ Govt. simply follows the US line that all is well. We have no real policy on Iraq, and will only pullout when the US does. We only joined the war because the US demanded it, and expected it, and because we presently have no opposition party. Our next Labor president may not even be born yet. Possibly, (hopefully) if the US economy falters, it could cause us to rethink our love affair with Costello. Another possibility is that given enough rope, the Liberals will hang themselves. People will see how reckless they have behaved, and begin seeing the consequences of their IR reforms. The last straw might be when they move to abolish The Senate (a move which Labor is dearly wishing for) but this is a long shot as even Howard/Costello will realise it would cause too much disquiet amongst the ignorant masses.

Photo source Indymedia
If Latham had won Govt, Rudd would have been downgraded, our troops would have been removed from Iraq, and we would not have a terrorist threat. The problem with the proposed anti-terrorism laws is that we don’t need them, won’t use them, but are giving the Govt. of the day powerful laws to use against us. We do not trust the Liberals (going by Howard’s record) and we certainly can’t trust the Laborites (given that Beazley caved in on sending our troops to Iraq, and now caved in on accepting these new, dangerous (Draconian, according to Beattie, who also supports them) laws. The unfortunate fact remains that whatever the polls show, the Liberals will have the preferred President for the distant future. These are the depths we have sunk to.
What is our standing in these religious wars in the Middle East and Iraq? For all intents and purposes, we are following the far right evangelical Christian-led Bush regime. It is counter productive to Australia’s interests. It is counter productive to our International standing.
Anyone who watches SBS, NPR, reads international newspapers, or cares to find out the truth being denied to us by our misleaders, knows what folly we are committing. It is a serious matter, and will not be rectified easily or quickly.
We might indeed have to wait for the next Labor president, who hasn’t yet been born.