Monday, June 19, 2006

GETUP AUSTRALIANS your voice counts

What is GetUp?

GetUp is a new political movement to build a more progressive Australia.

GetUp brings together like-minded people who want to bring participation back into our democracy. members* use the latest online tools to act on the most important issues facing the country.

Why do we need GetUp?

After nearly a decade of conservative government, our country has changed. Millions of Australians don't like the direction we've been heading. On 9 August 2005 the Coalition Government took control of the Senate. It now has more power than any government in a generation.

The other political parties aren't providing a strong opposition, and the media is dominated by a handful of right-wing voices. People need to take politics into their own hands. GetUp provides them with a way to do this. members are building a ground-up movement of Australians who want to act, not just complain.

What do members do? members take action. By signing up for updates, members will receive emails alerting them to new campaigns and providing ways of taking effective action. Whether it is sending an email to a member of parliament, calling a talk back radio station, or helping to get a television ad on the air, members will always be asked to take targeted, coordinated and effective action.

How can I get involved?

All you have to do to get involved is sign up to get email action updates from GetUp. It doesn't cost anything to join, and members can join and leave as they wish.

GetUp communicates with the members through email. When you sign up for updates we will ask for an email address and some basic information about where you live. We need this information to help provide specific local opportunities for you to get active.

Privacy matters to GetUp, and we'll always protect your privacy.Getup knows that our members are busy people and we will only contact you with specific opportunities for action.

Who runs GetUp?

GetUp has a small staff, who produce GetUp updates and keep the website current. members carry out the real work of GetUp. They make the calls, they send the emails and they supply the financial support.

GetUp was founded by Jeremy Heimans and David Madden, two young Australian graduates of Harvard University's Kennedy School of Government who have worked at the vanguard of the new online organising and campaigning techniques in the US. In 2004, David and Jeremy helped start a national campaign on the decline in America's standing in the world under George Bush. This campaign gathered thousands of online supporters and millions of dollars in donations to support a national television advertising campaign. Prior to this, Jeremy and David worked on issues of global poverty, conflict, and development.

GetUp's Executive Director Brett Solomon has been working on social justice and development issues for more than ten years. In that time he founded and coordinated the International Youth Parliament with Oxfam, was appointed Campaign Coordinator at Amnesty International Australia and has consulted to Focus on the Global South.

GetUp also has a board that advises the staff. The board includes community organiser Amanda Tattersall, who helped develop the concept for GetUp, union leader Bill Shorten, Green activist Cate Faehrmann, and technology entrepreneur Evan Thornley.

GetUp brings together progressive people from all political backgrounds and parties, but is independent of all parties and receives no government funding.

* online members have no legal or other obligations to GetUp Ltd and may choose to participate or not in GetUp campaigns as they see fit.