We had another visitor last week. Condoleza Rice penetrated our airport in her armoured car; four follow up vehicles, and a gunship helicopter (just in case). Little Johnny was beaming – he needs these ego boosts, because he knows the war n Iraq is a god-awful mistake that we will leave with the US and our tails between our legs. Like the British did in the Suez debacle. Still it’s nice to be praised in public, even though she told him in private that things aren’t looking good.
B.. But Bush said he was winning…I saw him on TV…
“Oh don’t listen to that weasel. He won’t save his skin, and anyway I’m going to be the next president”.
“So what will you do?”
“Call in the UN and pullout. Two deaths a day is bad enough, but if Iran gets stuck in then we’re done”.
“Oh I see…”
“How many casualties have you had?”
“Jesus Christ no wonder you want to stay.”
“Well I’ve never been in a war and neither have any of my cabinet ministers or my back benchers. I’ve been told it’s character building….”
“Fuck! Getting horribly wounded and maimed is no joke….”
“Gee I never thought of that….You know Pete has always wanted my job…..”
“Well you don’t want to be the one to pull the plug.”
“No you’re right…but what about George?”
“Don’t you worry about him…you need to worry about number one”!
“You’re darn right!
Howard stands on the podium with Condoleza next to him.
“We both expressed to each other the need to be firm regarding the war on terror.”
From the back: “Did you discuss the uranium issue’?
“Err…we had a full and frank discussion about many issues. We see eye to eye on everything”.
That night in bed: “so when are you going to give Peter the nod”?
“When he kisses my arse. In public”.
“Like you did Bush”?
The silence is deafening.