Saturday, December 31, 2011

New Ideas for 2012

These ideas are not written in order of importance. My first idea about "One Korea" can be found in Facebook. (31-12-11)
(2)I know the science of solar panels is increasing exponentially, as the price is dropping. Australia is leading in solar research, so it's only reasonable that we patent that research and begin large scale production of them. I know China is churning them out, but when the word gets round that ours are more efficient, more technologically advanced than older designs, export markets will open up for us.Here are some other uses for them. Regulation should be made to make a solar power collecting roof mandatory on all new cars, (maybe painted on).This will make our manufacturing industry prepared for the arrival of electric cars, which are already here. The roof may not power the car, but the power that is saves can be fed back into the grid every night, helping lessen the load for our renewable energy power stations. Back in 1960 I had a small solar strip, which powered my transistor radio, much to the amazement of my teachers and friends. Our solar industry should make stand alone panels of all shapes and sizes, ones that you can hang out a window, put out on a clothes line, take on a camping trip or put in the yard if roof space is not suitable. Anywhere there is sun should be utilised. We are blessed with so much sun, yet most of it is being wasted.
(3) No education pursuit is more important than music. Every child should be given a musical instrument, and receive professional tuition for it. At the end of High School, they should be given the instrument to keep. Children who elect to learn piano, should be given a piano for the fee of $30.00 a quarter, until it's paid off, or they die. The fee should be waived for parents who can't afford it. Children should have the choice on "sports afternoons" whether to have music tuition instead, play chess, or go home. Chess should be mandatory for all children from 10 yo. This is one game they can beat their parents at. Music and chess cross universal boundaries, and our musicians are world class.
(4) Sex education is for life. We have to get it right, and that must include details about LGBTIQ. They should be non-denomenatioal. Some texts for this important subject are those by Shere Hite (see Wikipedia).
I have more ideas, but I'm curious to try out the new interface.


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