Sunday, April 16, 2006


Alexx, queer cultural terrorist extraordinaire, hoping all the best things come your way for your birthday and the years ahead, fun, love, lust, pleasure, euphoria, peace and regime change. Go you good thing! Love, David Abello

Hey Alex and Paula, I've not known the two of you long but it has been an absolute pleasure meeting folks such as yourselves. Here's wishing you good people all the best! I'm off to Dublin in 2 days but do keep in touch. Take care of yourselves and each other. Love, Sanja (Bobbie - I'll let Angela or Phil explain).

Firstly HAPPY BIRTHDAY Alex, as in the card, it's been a long journey and as I see it, an extremely fruitful, bright and generous life. You my friend have been an inspiration & true friend in all the years i have known you. In my younger years as a teenager you welcomed me into you life & your family, who are still to this day considered family, though not by blood. I wish always for you much peace & happiness, much of which i now believe you have found in your beloved friend Paula. As always you will remain close to my heart & remembered as one of the true friends that knew me well.
Love, light & laughter. Colin Xo

Dear Alexx, have a very happy birthday and enjoy the year ahead, that's the real world as well as cyberworlds, blogospheres etc. Keep on confounding the heretics. Good luck to you and Paula and if you're getting married, have a lovely wedding day too. Also my friend Jan Dooley wishes you a happy birthday too. Paula can tell you about her. love Kate xx

Dear Alex and Paula, thank you for inviting me to your house this beautiful sunny afternoon, the space you live in feels as positively energetic and lovely as you both are. I love the Gaugin too. Thank you for your friendship, vision and wisdom. Wonderful to see Middlesex and Pilger on the bookshelves, wonderful ideas and histories. With my love always, Matthew x

Freeze a jolly good fellow .. Freeze a jooly freize ... have another glass and wish the man a happ pp what was it agian//? Lets go harvest some more OLIVES yea!! HIPPY BURTHMARK 2 U and so say all of us ... you. -Jen

Dear Alexx & Paula ... turning over a new leaf takes on a whole new meaning when you're 59
Wishing you a wonderful start to the future .. may your love & friendship continue to shine brightly, as they are cherished by many. To be able to share your celebration with you has been very special .. thanks for including us . Love & hugs ... Bev

Since when has Alexx had two "xxs"? A blogg site this might be, but spelling still has it's place! For many that place is a blogg, I mean a bog in the north of Ireland. But let's get down to cases. Inspite of the confusion over the number of "xxs" in Alex's name there can never be any confusion over Alex, he is and always will be a man blessed with a wondeful wit, a warm heart and the wiley wisdom that comes from the observers calm eye. Happy birthday sweet one, when it comes to your birthday the numbers don't count. (They don't read nor write either!) Love peace and blessings. Angelina

Happy Birthday Alex, to a wonderful guy and a man of sheer grit determination and integrity. Knowing you over these last 12 months has been nothing short of pleasure and delight. I personally wish you a very happy 60th birthday with lots more to come and thank you for allowing me to share this happy afternoon and time with you and your beloved Paula. With lots of love and best of wishes. Sincerely, Phil Ryan.

Spending easter with Alex sure beats 'hangin round the Cross' - a bonus because it's also the celebration of that most important of birthdays - the last before you officially become one of Hawke's silly old buggers. Of course, Alex, if you're like me, and we are both Aries, you'll never be 'old'. Silly of course, and a bugger, but not old. I have lunch with Fabian every Tuesday. As the Greek woman at the sandwich bar says every time, "enjoy yourself". DU

Well, my dearest, you insisted on me being the last but not the least so I shall have to try and do justice to this closing statement.
I do so wish you a very happy day today. Indeed, I see in the bright glow in your eyes that it is just so.
It gladdens my heart and brings tears to my eyes to see you surrounded - at last (I know this party has been a long time coming!) - with all your loving friends who I do know really, really do hold you in the highest regard.
You are such a simply, truly, authentic man - all the way through - wearing your heart on your sleeve and with such deep and genuine love and passion and care for those around you and the world at large. Gentle and strong, ingenuous and clever.
You are gold and silver, sun and moon to me; husband, brother, father and child to me. Above all, you are my soul's mate. In the darkest of dark nights I look across and your hands grip our little ship's wheel along with mine. Then do I know we shall come through to safe harbor.
Happy Birthday, dear Alexx from your Paula.


Blogger Pat said...

Blimey and Bloody Hell - I dun missed it!

Well at least someone thoughtfully decided to post these wonderful, sincere and heartfelt wishes here on your blogg - so the rest of us here way the hell across the pacific pond could be there in spirit - although a bit late - blame it on the time change and jet lag ;p

Such moving thoughts and comments from your friends Alexx - and on such a special and joyous day - your Birthday!

Indeed you are a man of care, compassion, passion, honesty, drive and desire. I wholly suspect there is much wit and laughter mixed in with the love - and although we have yet to meet and perhaps never will - the love you share with Paula and by extension myself speaks volume about how special and terrific you are!

I hope the day was as bright and joyous as you wanted it to be - and that ALL of your birthday wishes come true for the next year - and for many years to come.

Pip pip Cheerio and CHEERS MATE - let's have a drink and toast the day!

Love Pat

12:19 pm  

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