the politics of Slow-Foods

Slow-Foods is a concept I originated in 1977, when I opened my ALEXX SLOW-FOODS cafe in Sydney.
The SLOW-FOOD concept was my political action to counter the foreign fast food explosion which is now reaping amongst its profits a generation of overweight children, with high cholesterol levels and other health related problems. I made a prediction in 1985 that by the year 2010, the foreign owned fast food outlets would have on the menu organic vegetarian whole food choices. I think the prediction is running pretty well on track.
I ran my cafe for two years, then turned my attention to making sour dough organic wholemeal bread. This helped start a bread revolution in Oz and now there are many bakeries devoted to baking organic sour dough bread. I ran the bakery until 1991, and then pursued other interests, which included University studies, and a BA in Media Studies.
ALEXX SLOW-FOODS as I conceived it, had very important guidelines. It was about leaving just a small footprint on planet Earth. The meals I created were 100% vegan. I used the highest quality ingredients, with organic food wherever possible (though supplies of such were limited then). Only virgin olive oils were used in cooking and salads. Meals were well balanced with grains, pulses and vegetables being augmented with a fresh salad. They were created with creativeness, TLC, (and my trusty Majimix). They were much appreciated. It was a hippy establishment, but attracted a wide range of people. Discounts were given to pensioners and unwaged people. It was a rewarding two years, and I proved that if you give quality, people appreciate it, and word of mouth brings many converts. The food was pepared SLOWLY, with care and integrity, for health, for the environment and for progressive ideals like providing good vibes and healing. Fast foods are on the whole made for fast profit, cheap thrills, and give no health or other benefits to a community.
This was the original and genuine SLOW-FOODS, and bears no relationship to the recent slow food movement, which has used my idea, but robbed it of its life-affirmative substance. In the end there is no substitute for a home-cooked meal.
Posted by: alexx / 1:20 AM
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